Friday, 24 January 2014

What is Teamup Africa?

What is Teamup Africa?

Hello, welcome. My name is Chinedu Asogwa and I am the pioneer of Teamup Africa. You want to know about Teamup Africa? Please proceed, see and be part of it…

It is a belief in the ability of Africa to rise to greatness
Inbuilt in man is the creative force capable of uncommon transformations. Africa is blessed with abundant human and natural resources. The achievements of Africans in the world space whether historically or at present cannot be discountenanced. We have what it takes to rise up and be equal partners will every other developed continent. We just need to push!

A call for a change of strategy as we seek a solution to our challenges
We have tended to focus on the leadership for solution. Whereas it is in the power of the leadership to change the fortunes of Africa and Africans, there are a couple of limitations. For one thing the question of willingness is crucial. Hear Martin Luther King Jr., ‘Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.’ Yes, it must be demanded! Another point is that the leadership is fed by the followership; the leaders of today were the critics of yesterday and the critics of today will be the leaders of tomorrow. There’s need for a paradigm shift; a value-driven followership of today will make an excellent leadership tomorrow. Let’s re-educate the followership!

A call to personal responsibility
Essentially, we are saying, ‘hold your wing’. In a football match, the side that has all its wings adequately covered would most likely be the winning side. The irony of our present predicament is that the oppressed, complaining, criticizing security guard will dip his hand into the bag of money kept under his watch if he is sure he will not be caught. This has to stop! If we all played by the rule in our small corners, we would get there sooner than soon.

A call to celebration
Yes, celebration! We have a lot to celebrate on a daily basis. However, we always manage to dig up the worst of events. It’s as if we prefer to be perpetually sad and despondent. Here, we want to intentionally celebrate every success, however small, and use it to keep hope alive in every African. Wherever the success happens on the African soil, we will be there to rejoice.

Our way of giving to our society
Must I remain expecting my country to change? Must I continue to watch my continent hemorrhage to death? What can we give to our country? This is my way of giving back to the land of my birth. JFK made a call to Americans decades ago, ‘My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.’ Teamup Africa is a collaboration among people asking themselves, ‘What can we do for Africa? What can we do for our nation?’

Wouldn’t you rather Teamup?

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